If you are preparing next year’s test activities, you will be happy to know that we have a splendid offer for our European customers for the rest of 2023: FREE SHIPPING within the EU if you place a PO of a test chamber and/or an antenna positioner of the types AC888,...
Redesigned modular AC888 antenna test chamber

Redesigned modular AC888 antenna test chamber

Good news for those who have been asking for a smaller yet modular version of the AC1120: We have just launched the AC888 in a new, fully modular and extendable version, similar to our AC1120 and walk-in sized AC1224 chambers.  Versatile and Spacious The AC888 is a...
AC1224 (GEN2) antenna test chamber

AC1224 (GEN2) antenna test chamber

MmWave Test Solutions now launch a new generation (GEN2) of the AC1224 antenna test chamber. As the first generation AC1224, the new one is modular and walk-in sized. New features The new AC1224 (GEN2) chamber uses an entirely new aluminum frame structure offering the...